Taras brings over 30 years’ experience to the Business Law Group at Mills & Mills LLP. Before joining the firm in 2020, Taras was for many years the chair of the Charity/Not-for-Profit and Intellectual Property groups at a well-known mid-sized firm in Toronto.

Taras works with many start-ups and established corporations to guide them through their development and expansion. Taras is experienced with cross-border business transactions and spearheads the Mills & Mills LLP “Expanding Business to Canada” conference series.

In the Charity sector, Taras has extensive hands-on experience as a director, president, Country Director and now International Relations Volunteer for the Canadian affiliate of an international NGO, which gives him insider knowledge about the challenges facing not-for-profit organizations in today’s complex world. Taras represents numerous churches, mosques, synagogues and other faith-based groups as well as many other foundations and service organizations in the not-for-profit sector in Ontario.

In the Intellectual Property sector, Taras works with a diverse clientele: app developers; ice cream and juice manufacturers and distributors; record labels and live music venues; pharmacy chains; advertising agencies; medical professionals; hospitals; Internet start-ups; Board game creators; Life coaches and public speakers, among other interesting clients. Taras is a Canadian CIPO trademark agent (member of the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents) and as a member of the New York Bar, practices before the USPTO as a US trademark attorney. Taras enjoys helping clients implement their North American branding strategies.

Taras is chair of the organizing committee and spearheads the annual Churches, Charities, Not-for-profit Knowledge Hub for Ukrainian Canadian Social Services – Toronto, the Ukrainian Canadian Professional Business Association, and the Ukrainian Canadian Bar Association where he also serves as the Vice-President.

Taras is a bilingual graduate of the National Program at McGill University’s Faculty of Law and has training in both common law and civil law. Taras is a member of the Quebec Bar; the Law Society of Ontario; and the New York Bar. He takes a holistic and hands-on approach with individuals and organizations to ensure he understands their legal needs and requirements for long-term success.

Year of Call

Ontario: 1993

Quebec: 1992

New York: 1997


B.C.L., LL.B., McGill University, Law Faculty, 1989

D.E.C., CEGEP du Vieux Montreal, 1984


Law Society of Ontario

Barreau du Québec

New York Bar Association

Ontario Bar Association

CIPO – Trademark Agent

USPTO – Trademark Attorney

College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents

Ukrainian Canadian Bar Association

Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Association

HOPE worldwide Canada: Helping Hand for Ukraine

Ukrainian Canadian Social Services

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